California Living by Erin Walsh

Erin WalshGoing to Syracuse, I knew what to expect: mountains of snow… on the sidewalk…in November. But I was ok with that because I knew junior year I was going to trade it just for a semester to revel in the green juice and hipster loving capital of our nation, Los Angeles.

Like most “abroad” programs, we’ve turned into those kids. Our Facebooks are cluttered with touristy photos (200 pictures of the Hollywood sign) and we travel in big hordes like cattle but we don’t care because we are having the time of our lives. Let me just say, in the philosophical wise words of Tupac, “California knows how to party.” We’ve tanned (burned) on the beaches in Malibu, chatted with famous actors, have had Oscar nominated guest speakers, worked the award shows, learned on television sets, etc. etc. The list never ends and we now think we’re the coolest kids ever.

I’m kidding. Maybe.

I’m doing my best to adapt to the California lifestyle. I haven’t eaten at In-N-Out or learned to paddle board…. yet. But I drink the green juice everyone praises, hike almost every weekend, and drive with the windows down listening to The Mamas and The Papas because the weather is literally a California dream. I give it my all when I’m working at my internship with Lionsgate Entertainment. I work on a plethora of internal projects, most notably The Hunger Games franchise. I resemble this quite nicely because California is expensive and everything is organic. Mom and Dad, if you’re reading, send more money.

Gone to buy more chia seeds,

Erin Walsh

Erin's headstand
Erin doing a headstand on the beach at sunset.